Octaveが届く様になった!I can reach an octave!!+A funny mistake. と可笑しなまちがい

Octaveが届く様になった小学校2年生のMちゃん、ピアノを始めて2年目にしてどうしても弾きたい曲ができまして、それはバダルスカの ”乙女の祈り。” オクターブが沢山出てきます。でもみて! 届くよ!

Little Miss M、 who is still a beginner, has a piano piece she aspires to play.  

It's " A Maiden prayer" by T. Badarzewska. It has many octaves but  Look! she is now able to grab an octave.


I usually let my students work on pieces (they love even though they might be difficult /challenging and take time ) together with less challenging pieces they can finish in shorter time span. Little Miss M has been working hard on her challenge.

Today, she came with a funny problem,  今日、Mちゃんが可笑しな問題を抱えてレッスンにやってきた。

”先生、うちのピアノは7オクターブしかないので鍵盤が足りないんです。”え??” My piano at home has only 7 octaves of keys and I can not play all the notes written here,,," " ???",,

These are passages where she mentioned,, ここがMちゃんのうちのピアノでは鍵盤が足りなくて弾けないところ。

  よく話を聞いてみたら、実はMちゃんは右手の部分、1オクターブ上から弾き始めていたので、鍵盤が足りなくなっただけでした。笑笑  After some investigation, we found out why she did not have enough piano keys. It was just because she had been playing the right hand's passages an octave higher. HAHAHAHA!!



A goofy little miss M !! love you!
