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自分で楽譜に書いてみると見えてくる事もある。 When writing melodies in a score、、、

ほとんどの人が楽譜を読むのが 面倒で好きじゃない。 恐怖に思っている人たちも沢山。 

May people feel uncomfortable to read music. Some have even phobia. Majority of piano learners find reading music cumbersome.

自分で楽譜に書いてみると少しは受け身に与えられているものが自分が書く立場になって見えてくるものがある。When write music, there are different view of seeing musical scores and notation from when we only read.


So many different notation marks and stuff!This finding make pupil re think what the writer(composer) had in his/ her mind with that specific marks.

見落としていた 記号を落とすと、 Palybackしたときに違う音楽が再生される から余計にはっきりわかる。

if we drop some notations / instructions from the original score and play written music through playback, then we notice clearly what we missed and how precise we must follow musical instructions through notation.


The correlation between different Cs; C4( middle C)、C3, C2, C5,,, and where each should be placed in a score can be easily seen with this score writing soft ware using keyboard.

それで 記譜アプリで試させてみる。 So, I let my students try writing score.

楽しかった様でした。 They seemed to have enjoyed it.


Wishing my students will be creative and be able to compose and write their own music in future!!


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*ご質問を事前にお伺い致します。 Please feel free to ask me any questions!

*その後に有料の体験レッスンを受け付けます。(¥2500 for 40 minutes, ¥3000 for 60 minutes Trial lessons are available with a fee.



*以前にピアノレッスン受講歴がある方は最後に弾いていた曲や、使っていた本を教えて下さい。​その場合 ,体験レッスンにおいでになられる時には完璧でなくても、何か弾いて頂けますと、今後の展望が組み立て易くなります。If you or your child( children) had piano lessons before, please let me know what books or pieces he/she had played last time and if possible, bring the book and play for me( It's not a test!)


*​ ご希望の曜日、時間を話し合います。気になる事もご遠慮なくご相談下さい。We will discuss dates and times convenient for both of us. Please feel free to share your concerns. Your information will be kept everything confidential.



Fukazawa 5chome Setagaya-ku


3 minutes walk from Nittaidai crossing


​I will reply you with more detail.

見Th Thankank出


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