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音符読み,楽譜読み=Coding=Musical Note reading-score reading





音楽のスコアだって初めにいくつかの音を 覚えてそれをとっかかりに読んでゆく。

ただ線線線 と間間間の音で、3度づつ飛ばして読める様にしてしまう、コードで覚えるのも近道だ。



私は インパクトのある、アプリが教えられないことをレッスンでは伝えますので。

Often it is the case that beginners have phobia against reading music. It is a very simple coding and nothing to afraid of. I think nobody starts coding construction with many languages from the start. One by one,,,

Understanding musical score is the same.

First, get the step of Line, Space, Line, Space, then, maybe remember few, maybe as chords.

I do elaborate to use fun Note speller work sheets or use a large Musial mat,, etc,, to teach students with inspiration so that information will be combined with inspiration but then, pupils should practice reading( implementation ) then, singing( Integration.)

I strongly recommend pupils and perhaps parents to play Note reading games in APP so that I can focus on mainly more on "inspiration part" during my lesson.

Below are some Apps I found in App Store and Note speller work sheet for fun( beginners)

Noteworks is fun!  Noteworksは楽しい。音大受験ソルフェージュなんてのもありますね。今はすごい時代。ソルフェージュの先生なんて要らないね。Solfeggi teachers are no longer needed.

ABRSMのAural trainerはABRSMの受験する人には必須!かなりマニアックな音感トレーナーというのもあったから、またいつか紹介するつもり、


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*ご質問を事前にお伺い致します。 Please feel free to ask me any questions!

*その後に有料の体験レッスンを受け付けます。(¥2500 for 40 minutes, ¥3000 for 60 minutes Trial lessons are available with a fee.



*以前にピアノレッスン受講歴がある方は最後に弾いていた曲や、使っていた本を教えて下さい。​その場合 ,体験レッスンにおいでになられる時には完璧でなくても、何か弾いて頂けますと、今後の展望が組み立て易くなります。If you or your child( children) had piano lessons before, please let me know what books or pieces he/she had played last time and if possible, bring the book and play for me( It's not a test!)


*​ ご希望の曜日、時間を話し合います。気になる事もご遠慮なくご相談下さい。We will discuss dates and times convenient for both of us. Please feel free to share your concerns. Your information will be kept everything confidential.



Fukazawa 5chome Setagaya-ku


3 minutes walk from Nittaidai crossing


​I will reply you with more detail.

見Th Thankank出


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