Hit or die./ 死ぬ気で全部外さないで弾きなさい!
Hit or die! 死ぬ気で全部外さないように弾きなさい! English/Japanese
Very recently, one morning, I was in total shock to learn that one of my dear friend had lost her beautiful 18 yr-old son in a car accident. I could not believe it and I wished so hard it was a prank. Sadly, it was not .
That day, I shared my grief about this painful news with one of my friend, especially the part, “WE NEVER KNOW What will happen tomorrow.” It is not I am worried about but that extremely painful news truly put me to think “ Do what you wanted to do, say what you wanted to say today, so that I won’t regret not doing that 、and do them with all my heart and all my might. And somehow, this sharing encouraged my friend to make a big move.. We never know who is benefitting from what we say..( Better be careful) My motto is “ONLY SPEAK THE WORDS that will strengthen our and others' soul .”
I try to choose words when I teach students too.
I used to be a gentle piano teacher who could never push, However, Now, when I think about it will be the last lesson I can give to my student, I'd better to give them instructions which are not lenient and compromising. Rather give them instructions which will make them progress and words that stay in their life. When I told that to one of may student and also reminded him," I maybe dying tomorrow and it could be the last time you get my useful instructions, kindly and generously given to him to improve his skills,, YOU better take it very seriously to internalize them now! immediately!" It will also save your time!
He was “ OOOOHA,, teacher,, NO,, You do not die please!!.”
Then, I remembered of an incident with my piano teacher. The notoriously difficult passage from “SCHUMANN's FANTASIE “ 2nd movement last part, that involves so much jumping( PHOTO,) when I was struggling to hit right notes, my piano teacher suddenly said with a loud voice to me. “ YOU hit all or die!.” I was quite shocked to hear such a word from the 81 yr old , an elegant famous pianist who teaches also Empress of Japan.
However, her harsh words put me in an extremely alert mode and I did it!
So, thinking back, this is also a kind of “ Do things in a ways as if you might perish tomorrow, take as this would be the last time you can do.”
From now on, whenever I feel wanting to be lazy when I have to do something, I decided to think “ This would be my last time to” talk to this person, including my piano students, What would be the best things to say to him/her? Or instead of complaining about challenge, do it with thankfulness and determination for the best! Well, trying to..
Thank you Henry for teaching me a valuable lesson.
その一例として、私が私の81歳になるピアノの先生に ””死ぬ気で全部の音を弾くのよ!””と言われてびっくりした事を思い出した。シューマンのファンタジーの2楽章の最後部はものすごい跳躍の連続で有名な曲。私が弾けな~い、、と弱音を吐いていたら、いきなりこの皇后陛下も指導される優雅なピアニストが、私に喝を入れられた。驚いたが、それでかなりの真剣勝負モードに入り、全部当たって弾けた事を覚えている。
私の一人の生徒さんに、こんなに即役に立つアドバイスをこんなに一生懸命、こんな安いお月謝で伝授しているのに、一瞬弾けるようになってすぐまた忘れる。私がもし明日死んだらどうするの?と言ったら、びっくりして、”先生、死ななないでください!” 笑 もっと真剣にすぐに取り込んで染み込ませてくれと、喝を入れたのであった。(私のではあんまり怖くないと思うけれど。)
自分自身の練習の時も、だんだんいつか弾けるという考えを捨てて、今、やらないともう、明日は無い という気持ちで取り組んだ方が数十倍の効果があり、時間の節約にもなる。