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Huge progress in CORONA time/コロナ時代の素敵な収穫

コロナの時代NEW NORMAL?の変化は演奏家にとっては演奏会が開けないという痛ましい打撃だが、ピアノ教師にとっては悪くない事が結構ありました。

まず、生徒さん達の学校のスケジュールがまばらになった事から、時間に余裕ができて、ピアノを練習する余力ができ、そして、皆 誰かに見てもらえるピアノのお稽古を結構楽しみにして、いつもより頑張ってくれている事。




又、鍵盤をシェアしなくて良いように、電子ピアノを買ったので、2台ピアノができる様になった事。私のアドバンスレヴェルの中学生の生徒さん二人にコンクール終わったら、ピアノコンチェルトやってみようか?と問いかけていたところでした。そうしたら昨日一人の坊やが、突然 ベートーベンの皇帝の冒頭オケパートをバラバラ〜ッと弾き始めた。











これもママが在宅勤務で 練習をするように仕向けてあげる時間ができたことによると思う。



Yesterday & today, I was bombarded with huge shower of blessings from my piano students.

All My piano students are making amazing progress lately!

This Covid situation has been catastrophic to performers but not been so bad to a piano teacher like me.

1, Many children have now non-regular school schedule. They have more time and energy to focus on learning to play piano and also appreciate more this regularly & personally supervised purposeful activity of learning music. Some moms are working from home and they have more time to encourage their children to do regular practice.

2, Due to Covid-19, I started to do online lessons and now, I can even stay in touch with my piano students who moved out from JAPAN , they can continue lessons with me!!

3, Unlike every year, my international school students can not leave Japan during this summer and have time ; Now, some are focusing seriously to prepare entering competitions etc…

4, I bought an electric piano also for not to share keyboard during the lessons and now, I can enjoy playing orchestra part of piano concerto for my advanced students.

It’s been 13 years since I came back to piano after not touching it for 10+ years, both in teaching and playing. Number of years of my experience of teaching is at least one decade shorter than people of may age but finally, some of my students are reaching to the level of being able to play piano concerto.. !!

I had discussed this idea of doing concertos with one of my advanced student last week and today, I told to the other one, then, this one gave me such a huge surprise.!! After hearing “ Piano concerto” from my mouth, he immediately started to play the beginning of orchestra part of “ Emperor concerto” by Beethoven!!


He explained that he and his friend from his school had prepared in June to perform this " Emperor" concerto with 2 pianos (piano solo part and orchestra part) in the auditorium at their school but due to COVID-19, school was closed and they could not do.

Wow,, I was flabbergasted....

Never know what boys are not telling!! He never had single words about “ Emperor.”

I am looking forward so much to do concertos with my students. I can learn their pieces from them too.. What a blessing !!! I love teaching, love my students!

The other student who has been not be able to come regularly has been also preparing ensemble pieces with his violinist friend from his school to perform for their school concerts.

Now, we rescheduled Students’ recital to August. I am looking forward very much to make them ready for performance. Little ones to adults,, all of them are so precious!!

Very thankful to my students & their parents!

Looking forward our students concert in August !


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