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 Benefits of Hindemith’s ” Elementary training for musicians." ヒンデミットの音楽家の基礎練習の効用と可笑しなYちゃん


I wrote in my previous blog that I started to make my students do this rhythm/ solfege exercise. I found it really good for this exercise help pupils to understand what beats are, why there are strong beats & weak beats, how to make melody flow, what rests do to phrase etc,,

小学校4年生のとても熱心な一人のYちゃんは、初めは全くできなかったけれど、かなり一生懸命、家で練習したそうで、完璧にできるだけでなく、なんと覚えてしまって、レッスンが終わった後もこの、そーみフアそら〜〜 ++ を歌い+リズム打ち!!ママも苦笑い。だって別に素敵なメロデイでもなんでもない練習問題なんですがね〜、、、耳について離れないらしいです。でもそのおかげで他の問題ももっと早くできる様になりましたよ〜〜。がんばれ〜、、

Every students struggles at first but once they understand how to do, they even enjoy the simple clapping hands and singing melody activity. One of my dear student also struggled at first but she practiced a lot at home and hahaha, she memorized task(d) and the melody does not leave from her head. Actually, after lesson finished, she started again to clap and sing the (d) ,, So,,, MI FA SO La,,,, LA Ti La so Mi-- X X! Fa mi SO X X ,,,,So cute!

If you find a child who is singing and clapping (d) in Setagaya, she/ he must be one of my students for I am making all who can handle to do this Hindemith!! HAHAHA,, Keep going, keep getting better musicians!!



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*その後に有料の体験レッスンを受け付けます。(¥2500 for 40 minutes, ¥3000 for 60 minutes Trial lessons are available with a fee.



*以前にピアノレッスン受講歴がある方は最後に弾いていた曲や、使っていた本を教えて下さい。​その場合 ,体験レッスンにおいでになられる時には完璧でなくても、何か弾いて頂けますと、今後の展望が組み立て易くなります。If you or your child( children) had piano lessons before, please let me know what books or pieces he/she had played last time and if possible, bring the book and play for me( It's not a test!)


*​ ご希望の曜日、時間を話し合います。気になる事もご遠慮なくご相談下さい。We will discuss dates and times convenient for both of us. Please feel free to share your concerns. Your information will be kept everything confidential.



Fukazawa 5chome Setagaya-ku


3 minutes walk from Nittaidai crossing


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