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BSTとP. Hindemithの音楽家の基礎練習/ Unpacking strict/serious concepts of classical music training

(English after Japanese)

何でも挑戦する 小学校3年生の CHちゃん、





早速お父さんが楽譜を注文してくださって、本日それを持参してレッスンにやって来ました。私も1時間ぐらい時間をとってどんな曲なのか勉強して 簡易版EASY VERSIONの楽譜制作もしておきました。




音は至って少なく、ミドミドミドミドミドミド  ➕時々レ、ソが出て来るのみ。


何と複雑!シンコペーションとタイだらけで、これはまるで ヒンデミットの音楽家の基礎練習と同じではないですか?


歌ってみるとリズムがどうしてこんな風になっているのかはわかるのですが早くて歌えない!笑笑 ウンタタタタータ アタター タンタタタターン、、みたいなアフタクト、タイとシンコペーションの連続、、

お友達は皆この曲を知っていて、リズムを間違えたらわかるの?と聞いたら YES、






Ms. CH, who is a quiet but a determined young lady, has been expressing her willingness to perform in front of audience. Her parents were rather surprised though happily.

She already performed Turkish March at her school then, now, she wants to pull up herself again and wants to perform at her November school concert.

This time, she had some thinking to be more an entertainer to the audience, then thought to play not just a classical piece but also famous pop song.. Her pick; “ DYNAMITE” by BTS.

OOps,, I knew BTS but did have no idea how the song went.

She ordered a sheet music and brought to me today. I also listend to it in YOU TUBE and made it a simple version score for her.

HAHAHAH, it was a funny lesson

OK, The Chord progression was very simple.

She could almost mastered after repeating several times.

However,,, the melody ,, singing part is sooooo complicated, I mean the RYTHME!! If we have to read the rap rhythm (groove??) in classical music notation,, It’s a kind of rap,,pop, right?

Hahaha, in classical music training, we always have rhythme reading & training element with special book., One was “ Paul Hindemith’s basic training for musicians”

Taking a look, Ms.CH and I both laughed to find similarity between Hindemith’s basic training and rhythmic patterns study in BST song learning.

The conclusion is classical music education does not need to be all serious. It can be combined with BTS K pop too. I am happy that we could unpack and prove it. Looking forward to see how Ch will manage this written complicated Rhythmic patterns exercise this week!


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*ご質問を事前にお伺い致します。 Please feel free to ask me any questions!

*その後に有料の体験レッスンを受け付けます。(¥2500 for 40 minutes, ¥3000 for 60 minutes Trial lessons are available with a fee.



*以前にピアノレッスン受講歴がある方は最後に弾いていた曲や、使っていた本を教えて下さい。​その場合 ,体験レッスンにおいでになられる時には完璧でなくても、何か弾いて頂けますと、今後の展望が組み立て易くなります。If you or your child( children) had piano lessons before, please let me know what books or pieces he/she had played last time and if possible, bring the book and play for me( It's not a test!)


*​ ご希望の曜日、時間を話し合います。気になる事もご遠慮なくご相談下さい。We will discuss dates and times convenient for both of us. Please feel free to share your concerns. Your information will be kept everything confidential.



Fukazawa 5chome Setagaya-ku


3 minutes walk from Nittaidai crossing


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