My love for teaching, Love of Music, Healing effect of beautiful sound. 癒しをもたらす音を出すピアノ演奏を教えるのが好き
My love for teaching!
I love teaching music to my students!
I think also the fact I do not belong to any institution and I can do on my own ,allowing me to teach in my own ways is good for a free thinker like I, most.
Each student is different and I now have insight and skills to see what are good for each student and enjoy making tailor made lessons.
However,, one thing I do not want to compromise is quality of sound/ beauty of music= healing aspect of music and music with meanings( not just noise.)
Therefore, I think I maybe not good at teaching piano for competition.
Until quite recently, I used to think people can not be healed by music, produced by themselves when they are not excellent pianists. It was including myself by my own music t. Imperfections bothered me too much not to be able to appreciate what I have already and appreciate it and nurture it. Too much self criticism was always my problem.
Finally, I have realized that I could never be happy if I do not be more appreciative and look more at what I have already.
Same attitude can be applied when I teach my students. If I focus too much on what they are not good at, I always have to nag them to work more, move their fingers and make more noises but if I take out what they are good at and explain what-else are needed to make the good part better and why and how to do it,, I believe these information stay in them and they will be use them in future. I hope.
Photo with Ms. Ryoko Fukazawa
Being positive and Kind, make beautiful sound in organized ways, bring you good health and moral, I believe.
前向きで、しかし周りの人への思いやりを持ち、美しい音を整理されたやり方で出す様に心がlけるならば 楽器演奏は演奏者の心と体への健康をもたらすと思う。
The good vibration from musical instrument works as healing to our bones and soul.
After I saw a famous Japanese pianist, RYOKO FUKAZAWA, who has not changed a bit since I saw her last time 30 years ago and plays still perfectly as before with beautiful full rich sound. She is radiating, always smiling. I interpreted this must be due to her beautiful sound vibration from her own piano playing which renews and revitalize body cells all the time.
If we treat each note as vibration to get through our body to penetrate into our cells in our body,,, playing musical instrument will become healing implements, or, it can be torturing ones too.
私たちがピアノを弾く時、一音一音を細胞の働きを活発にする働きかける癒しと元気づけののバイブレーションを送る行為として 取ったら、楽器を弾くことは治癒 になる。もちろんその反対に、汚い音を注意無しに叩きまくったら、ストレスや拷問にもなる。
So, I decided to produce only beautiful sound which brings healing to my bones and soul and I teach how to produce good sound so that music making as healing/ invigorating medium will stay in my students too.
それから、私もピアノを弾く時、一音一音が全て心と体に潤いをもたらすバイブレーションとなるマッサージのつもりで 音出しをする事にして、それを生徒さん達にも教えている。
I love teaching! I love music!
Of course there are struggles too but,, Look at the good first, then enhance that good parts and implement what lacks to improve strength" is my attitude.
もちろん若いお弟子さんには 癒し は、それほどまだ必要なものではないし、他にもテクニックの問題、注意力の問題など解決が難しい課題は沢山出てくるけれど、でもまず一人一人が持っている強みをもとに、そこから足りない部分を付け加えてゆく、そのやり方をずっと続けたい。そしてそれが生徒さんの中に残ってくれたら良いと思う。音楽の愛を通して!